Finance Committee


The Finance Committee is a group of parishioners who are appointed by the pastor, and who give advice to the pastor on the financial stewardship of the parish. Legal, financial and business skills are of value on the committee. The committee is charged with developing and reviewing annual budgets and a long-range financial plan. It monitors the financial position of the parish through regular review of parish financial reports. It reviews proposed spending plans for consistency with the budget. Input for the budget is derived from the pastor and his staff, the plans of the pastoral council and the plans of the building committee. The budgeting and financial planning activities of the committee are necessarily collaborative, particularly preparation of the capital improvements schedule. The pastor is a regular member of the committee.

Finance Committee Members

Chair Person

Carolyn Mahoney

[email protected]


Fr. Bob McCann

Mark Thornsley

Jim Cunniffee

Karen McInerney

Parish Bookkeeper